Sunday, 6 December 2020

Christmas Eve at the Yellow Shop

Christmas Eve at the Yellow Shop


Before I’ve even opened the door, before I’ve had the chance to stick the kettle on, switch the lights on, and put my Give A Shit face on, he’s rung. The fucking area manager. His end of year bonus in the balance, no doubt. Telling me to stick the Christmas CD on. To ring him if I need help. Fuck that. I’ve made my own Christmas CD and that is going on instead. The office one that he wants me to play is all the usual shit you can hear in any other shop. Shaky. Slade. The Pogues. Nothing wrong with them. It’s just they’re inescapable. My CD is more self-satisfied I know but fuck it, I have to show I’ve got some cultural cachet somewhere. The Fall, Aimee Mann, Nat King Cole.

Someone might ask me hey what song is this playing, and I’ll say it’s Just Like Christmas by Low and if I’m lucky the person asking me will look a bit like Scarlett Johansson and fall in love with me there and then. We’ll get a nice house near my daughter’s place and I’ll write a best-selling book and eventually Scarlett will die in a terrible car accident, hanging on through weeks of life support and blood transfusions before finally giving in seconds before I make it to her bedside to say goodbye. Everyone will say how brave I am, how dignified.

I will never love again.

It isn’t going to happen of course but it’s Christmas and even your humble off-license lackey needs a little fantasy. Besides, no one ever bought an extra bottle of third-rate champagne on the back of hearing Mariah Carey.

Key in the door, the shutters opening. A wet and icy wind telling my kidneys just how festive I feel. Lock the door behind me. Stick the lights on. Put the cash in the till. Put the heating on. Go to the kitchen. Kettle on. Customers banging the door already. The bastard phone ringing. One minute past nine and they want to come into your grotty grotto. Fuck off. I’m making a brew.

Busiest day of the year and already I’m wondering how to do as little as possible. There’s not quite enough room for a chair between the till and the Jägermeister. So, you’re stood up the whole shift. It’s deliberate, isn’t it? Another act of cruelty from The Man. God forbid you’re never less than 100 percent ready for retail action. At an angle between the shuttered fag racks and the counter, it is possible to lean with your heels tight against the base of the Cigarette Prison. I spend my days here, at an angle of 40 degrees to my waist and then leaning across the counter. I look like twenty to three on an old clock. 

The recession has hit this town hard if the number of off licenses are any indicator. Used to be three in the town centre. Now we’re the last. Not because we’re the best, by any fucking stretch, but we’re dead centre of town. In between the chemists and the bookies. There must be people here who walk along this street and put on a bet that doesn’t win, then come in here for some booze to numb that disappointment and finally pop in to the chemists for antidepressants to make them feel better about the first two.  

I mean, it can’t be just me. 

On goes the CD and I open the doors. Christmas Eve at the Yellow Shop. My daughter gave it that name. She’s only five. It’s got a big yellow frontage. Alcohol is sunshine. Or something. It doesn’t look like sunshine when you’re opening the door at nine and our morning regulars are in for their Frosty Jack or their economy vodka. It doesn’t feel like yellow then. Not that sunny yellow anyway. More like the smudged yellow of a 50-a-day man’s fingers. The yellow of Pissed Billy’s face when he’s tutting at you for not opening till five past because you’ve overslept. That’s not a sunny yellow. That’s not sunny at all. 

Been working here five years. Five years. I spend most of my time sitting in the storeroom out back, pretending I’m dealing with a delivery when I’m really eating a nicked Twix and reading a good book. 

Pissed Billy is gone. Time for a sip of tea. I nick a Twix. It’s ten past nine and this is the one day of the year I’ll be properly busy. Still, I’ve positioned the one chair, they’ll let you sit down out the back on your break, in such a way that I can see the shop door in the angled mirror and the CCTV if I missed them coming in. It’s a good life, this, when it’s quiet. The only thing I like better than reading is watching people and imagining their lives.

You can tell what kind of time people are having from the way they act in a shop like this.   I’m not talking about my regulars. Scratch card Sue. Boring Frank. Dr. Wilson with his nightly use of the 3 bottles for a tenner offer on the Cab Sav. Anyone can hazard a guess at those people’s lives. No, I’m talking about the irregulars, the people who just pop in once a year. The end of year drinkers. Today is the day I meet them all.

One in now. Studying the form on the shelves. Quarter past nine in the morning and he’s consulting the merlots. Anyone spending more than five minutes looking at our wine has either got money problems or thinks they’re an expert on wine. I’ve done a wine course and it’s a piece of piss. By piece of piss, I mean I haven’t done a course but my boss thinks I have and I’m supposed to wear a badge that says, “Ask me About Wine!” but the badge is in landfill somewhere being ignored by a seagull.  

Say someone comes in, it’s nearly always a bloke and you know the type, they’re looking at the top shelf stuff, the expensive stuff, which has never made any sense to me because if they fall, they smash. Put the cheap stuff up top, surely. But I’m not the manager so top shelf stuff is top priced.   Anyway, back to your bloke who thinks he knows about wine or wants to imply, via sighing and umming and pretending to read the bottles thoroughly, that he does. Time to earn my money. 

“Can I help you sir?” 

“Mm. I’m after a bold red, I think. I’m having some family and friends over for dinner on Boxing Day. And we’re having INSERT SOMETHING LUDICROUSLY EXPENSIVE for dinner. And I was looking for something to compliment this.” 

Now, what I do here, is this. I agree with this cunt’s choice, but only to an extent. Then I move over to a shelf that I know to be empty.  

“Aah,” I say, “we don’t have, erm let me just check whether or not I’ve got this other wine in the back.” 

I go out the back and I have another mouthful of Twix, while I kick an empty box about for effect. Then I look up to the wall where I’ve sellotaped a biro chart I’ve made – Foods down one side and types of wine or spirit that go with it.   This prick is having veal. I mean, where do people buy this stuff? 

Anyway, there it is on my chart. I’ve written, whatever the customer says, suggest the opposite and say that veal means you can be quite versatile. So I pick up a bottle of the most expensive white wine we sell.  Deep breath. Back into the arena. 

“Sorry, I was so long. Yes, the thing of course (the of course here flatters the customer, lets them know that you appreciate their expertise, and that the knowledge you’re about to impart is not news to them) is veal is so versatile. I suggested this particular bottle to a customer a couple of weeks back and they popped back in to thank me a few days later. Obviously the red you have there is a good solid choice. But…” 

They always buy both bottles. Fuck em. Isn’t veal the one where they kill it soon as it’s born? The deer, isn’t it? Something like that. What’s foie gras? That’s on my list. That’s something horrible too. 

Anyway, I like to imagine these people’s lives and evenings. It’s very rare I imagine something nice for these people because why should I? Honestly, everyone should do Working Behind A Till instead of National Service. Two years in a shop, it would transform the country.  

Two Bottles of Wine with Veal Man? Well, I imagine he works in something terribly important to do with Money. And he’s probably younger than he looks. He looks about 50 but I reckon he’s late thirties. He’s probably got a wife who likes her expensive things more than she likes him. And they’re inviting over friends for dinner to “catch up” and “remember the old days.” And each of these two couples will secretly resent the other couple for being, in their minds, much happier and much more successful than they are. And they’ll have had veal with broccoli and Expensive Potatoes. And they’ll be playing some Miles Davis or something quietly in the background because he’s got a book called What Music Goes Well with Expensive Food. Something like that. And they’ll drink the wine. And the guy says, “veal is so versatile, you can have either red or white with it.” And they’ll all nod, like they knew this already. And the men will end up talking about house prices, and the women about schools in the area because you know the clock is ticking. It’ll be the dullest evening in the history of the world, but everyone will hug and kiss and Make Plans to Do it Again Soon when it’s over. They’ll exchange presents. Books by Jamie or Nigel, no doubt. And then both couples will have a row at bedtime. 

Here comes another punter. It’s raining so he’ll dawdle but he already knows what he wants. He’s looking for the chiller. There it is mate, in the fucking corner, it’s not Big Tescos. And he’s so clearly a cider man but the drink has an image problem. You can dress it up all you like but cider is hooligan juice in many people’s eyes. If he’s drinking cider, he’s probably in for some fags too. Also, a Diversionary Purchase, as I call them.  

The diversionary purchase is designed to make the humble shop assistant swiftly recalculate the mental image you may have drawn up of the person buying a Suicidal Amount of Sherry or Two Bottles of Tramp Piss. Luckily, retailers are aware of these instincts. And so, this December, we have a small amount of “Christmas DVD’s.” – films you can buy for a couple of quid to pretend to watch when really you’re just going home to get absolutely fucked. Or there’s the boxes of chocolates. Or there’s our World of Christmas Snacks, supposedly snacks from around the world but really it’s just beef jerky propped up against the Quavers and Wispas. Tinsel sellotaped all around it. Ho ho ho.

Sure enough, the man moves to the chiller, thinks about only purchasing a four pack but realises he’s going to have got through them pretty quickly and we’re shut tomorrow so he moves in for a second. A moment later he’s bought some beef jerky. The hat-trick looks like it could be on, he scours our small selection of films and then looks at me and goes “Shame, I’ve seen all of them.” Moments later he is out of the store convinced I haven’t already written a mini biography of him in my head.   

It gets progressively busier. The day goes reasonably quickly. I recommend scratch cards, whiskies and cigars as Christmas presents, I prove that I can bullshit on German brandy as quickly and as convincingly as I can on everything else in my life. I turn up the music and watch as the till fills to the point where I’ve got enough there to finally get the fuck out of here and start again.

Of course, it’s not my money and I’d probably end up in prison. But that would be a fresh start I suppose. Not so much wiping the slate clean as smashing it and hoping no one fashions a shiv out of it and kills me in Swansea nick. The phone rings. I don’t answer it. It’ll be someone who wants to know what time we close. Just get here. I’m busy. I know why people ring places to find out what time they’re shut. It’s because they can’t make decisions. I know what that’s like. Five years in this shop all because I can’t quit. To quit means having to try something new. Risk. Fear. The unknown. The job pays the bills. But nothing more. I could do more with my brain, I suppose. She knew that. And she made a decision when I wouldn’t.

Don’t ring the shop, just come over.

Just Like Christmas comes on and it’s a punch to the guts. I remember how it’s going to be tomorrow. I’ll drive over to the ex in the morning and we’ll do presents with our one gift to the universe. And it’ll be magical, and she’ll smile and my ex will pretend she’s impressed with the gifts I’ve bought and for a second there’ll be the smell of regret and possible change and redemption in the air and I’ll want to grab it and she’ll think about it and then we’ll remember who we really are deep down and then that sadness will permeate everything, even the taste of Christmas lunch. And my daughter will fall asleep on my lap watching Elf or something. And I’ll be sitting there wanting to go, wanting anything to not be there when she realises it’s time for me to go and she’ll be hurting and crying and somehow despite me not being the one who left, it’ll be my fault and all that regret and possible change will be over, just like Christmas.

There’s nothing I can do about any of that, of course. We go the way we must. The last of the regulars punctuate the long evening. Frank and Margaret and their dog in a basket. Mad Mike. Scratch card Sue fucking up her life, scrubbing away the silver dream in front of me till the counter looks like broken glitter. Even Pissed Billy manages a third and final visit, offering me a swig of the can he’s finishing. Swaying in front of me as he tries to remember what fags he smokes, and I know I shouldn’t but I pretend I don’t know and he finally remembers it’s Superkings and I give him a free lighter as a Christmas present.

As he moves away, he spots the DVDs. He picks one up and squints until he sees enough to make a decision.

“It’s A Wonderful Life!”

“It certainly is, Billy.”

“No, the film mun. The fucking best Christmas film ever. You seen it? Probably too old for you.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen it. It is good.”

“My mum, god bless her. She loved this film. Always made her cry.”

He pauses to take a sip from his can.”

He looks at me with tear-filled eyes and says “Me too.”

And in that precious tiny little moment Pissed Billy is elevated, transcendent and glorious, all his stories are revealed to me at once, tragic and untellable, a flash of pain and tenderness across his face and all our mutual Ghosts of Christmas Past are sat between us, forgiving and kind.

“Do you want the film, Billy? Only I’m closing up soon.”

“Nah butt. Fucking seen it.”

I laugh at the majesty of that fucking. Billy burps and says excuse me and almost leaves without his fags.

“Happy Christmas Billy.”

“Happy Christmas.”

I see him out the door and watch as he swerves his way round obstacles known only to him. I check the street for any last-minute shoppers, any Scarlett Johanssons, but there are none. I rinse my cup out in the sink and put the money in the safe. I put the Twix wrappers in my pocket and turn on the alarm. Thirty-five seconds to leave and lock the shop. I manage it, I always do but there’s a reluctance tonight. A hope for something I can’t quite put my finger on. Off go the lights. I just about get out on time and when I finally lock the shop, I realise what it is.

Friday, 30 October 2020


The QI twitter account said that kids allotted the roles of Mary and Joseph in school nativity productions tended to be more successful in later life. Here’s a chapter from my unfinished and unwanted autobiography called Nativity.

1976. I am sat on the sofa in our front room. The record player is playing A Night at the Opera and I am reading along with the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody. It makes me scared. Why is this man singing about dying? Who is going to get him? It upsets me and thrills me at once. I am fascinated by my parents little record collection. Aladdin Sane is terrifying because the man on the inside cover is wearing makeup and has no genitals. I ask my mum what wanking means when reading the lyrics. My mum hides that record. A trip to school to find out what it is like. School not wanking. It is a cold day, the grey of an empty playground.

My Mum, still only 23 or so has a conversation with the headmaster, a Mr O. Mr O is not impressed that I can already read and write and says to my mum – “What are we supposed to do with him for the next two years?”

After the Easter holiday I am taken to school for my first day proper. I fall apart in terror. I beg my mother not to go. I am eventually separated from her by a teacher and gently dragged to the front of the infant’s assembly where I sit cross legged in fear and tears. On the wall an overhead projection of the words to a hymn called “God made the Sun and God made me.” – to my left a battered old piano kicks into action, played by some unseen hand. Everyone sings, I just sit there and cry. I don’t know anyone here. Our house is on one side of the school grounds, the vast majority of these kids seem to live on the shiny new estate that is the other side. I haven’t made any friends yet. I don’t think I’m going to.

Day one of the 2,500 odd days that will make up school does not go well. Our teacher is Mrs M, a kind old lady. She sits me next to Martin Bond (Not his real name, the poor sod might have a much better life now and doesn’t deserve to be remembered in this way). I soon find out why no one else is sitting next to him. He smells. He is visibly dirty and a bit odd. At playtime there is more horror. Kids running around, falling over on the concrete, screaming, telling, forming gangs, playing games. I am Walter the Softy in the corner. I don’t understand any of this stuff. My childhood has been books and television and none of this. There is British Bulldog, there is kiss chase. There is mainly this thing of kids forming a huge chain of hands saying “Who Wants To Play (name of game) – All join hands” – children would stop their own activity of marbles or hopscotch or whatever and join this long line of kids until they had enough kids to play the game. Invariably about 30 seconds before a teacher rang the bell to stop playing.

The boys’ games were always a variation of “War”. “War” was just boys running about making machine gun noises and saying you were dead to arbitrary others. Being Germans was the worst thing you could be. Nobody ever said Nazi. Maybe that was some kind of higher truth about who we were, still clearly are as a people. Beating the Nazis wasn’t as important as beating the Germans. Semantically speaking, there wasn’t a great deal of difference but on some subconscious level maybe we didn’t mind the Nazi bit. Either that or these were just five year old boys not yet fully up to speed on the finer points of World War 2. Anyway, the niceties of playing War aside, Me and Martin Bond are not welcome in any of these games. It is the summer of 76, a ridiculously hot one, the air is thick with punk rock. The independent streak that saw anyone able to form a band had not passed down to all of us Maidstone based five years old, and so me and Smelly Martin Bond are not able to do our own thing. We are Genesis, the enemy. The other kids are the Sex Pistols and the Clash.

There will always be bullying in school. And well, me and SMB were sitting ducks. I’m not proud to say it was two six year old girls who first saw their chance. I don’t recall their names or faces. Just that sense of powerlessness as I handed over my lunchbox. Eventually my Mum worked out what was going on and went up the school and these kids were spoken to and it stopped. A few days later, it started again. Two boys in my year, Lee and Ian. They lived for this shit. Ian, in particular, was clearly someone looking for trouble. Again my Mum came up the school and this time Mr O decided to catch them in the act.

When he did, he grabbed the school bell and shook it violently. Everybody was told to line up. He told these boys to come forward. They did so, crying. Now I don’t know if he hit them in front of us with this plimsoll or if he dragged them away to do so. I just remember them crying and the bullying stopped. At least that sort did. Now I was about to enter a whole new world of hell. Name calling.

My mum had given up on the whole sandwich thing and I was school dinners, presumably in the hope that I might get through that without handing over a plate of hot food to some terrifying small child. I can remember the name of the boy very well who began the process of ruining my life. His name was Brian. I don’t remember his surname. He looked a bit like a young Beach Boy or infant Nazi.

I had protruding front teeth. Teeth are the curse of my family. My Dad had his all out voluntarily as a young man, just sick of all the continual chips and fillings and accidents, his brother smashed his all in on a trip at home as a child. No one escapes it. Brian the Beach Nazi calls me Bugs Bunny. I don’t understand. Then he calls me Goofy. This gets hysterical laughter from the other kids. They all suddenly start sticking their teeth out and calling me Goofy. I just sit there and cry. I know instantly this incident is a life-changing one, that it will not go away.

That summer term in school is seemingly unending. The one thing I can do is clock watch. Every minute passed is another triumph. I hide away at playtime. If I am discovered it’s to be surrounded and called Goofy. Occasionally one kid would say “What’s Up Doc?” like Bugs Bunny. Of course, I am in no position to fight back. The other children are legion and without the imperfections I need to counter.

We are given bottles of full fat milk to drink at random points of the day. The milk smells like sweat but I drink it. I have learnt not to stand out if I can help it. My Mum comes to pick me up each day with a beaker of Ribena which I guzzle like it’s a reward for survival though it’s probably to get the taste of free milk out of my famous mouth. My sister is in the buggy, my brother is in the womb. Those few hours between getting home and going to bed are the happiest of my day. My parents try their best with the sticks and stones speech. It doesn’t work. I am miserable and being clever doesn’t help either.

After the summer, I moved up to Mrs D’s class. Mrs D lived on a houseboat and dressed like Felicity Kendal in the Good Life. But she didn’t look like Felicity Kendal. By this point I had begun to really stand out at playtime preferring not to join in the ambulance-chasing games that dominated the playground. No, like some sort of underclass ponce, I would read books of poetry from the school library in the corner of the playground. This isn’t normal behaviour for a five year old boy. I remember cutting my head slipping on frost one morning and a girl in our class helping me up. I remember being totally and inconsolably stressed out by our introduction to graphs. I remember Ian my tormentor from the previous year being expelled for stealing the entire class’s lunch money. He’d been told to take the envelope of money up to the secretary’s office and he just took the notes out of it and stuffed them in his pockets. There was no plan or alibi or escape route. He just nicked it.

What I remember most is the Nativity. Last year, my friend Bob gave me a brief slice of psychoanalysis. We were talking about this breakthrough in the research into stammering. Apparently, lots of stammerers suffer near-death experiences before they are able to talk. Car-crashes, near-drownings, fires etc. This lack of vocabulary in the moment of fear does something to the part of the brain where you form words forever. Something like that. I was drunk and don’t remember. Anyway Bob says something like we all have a formative memory that shapes us, something that upsets us, something that fixes our personality to an extent. I couldn’t think of anything at first.

“When was the first time you felt humiliated?” she asks.

At this point, I almost immediately start to cry. In the middle of a Cardiff pub on a Tuesday night. I could be wrong about all this but here goes. So, I’m this bright, weird kid. I don’t fit in. There’s probably something wrong with me but I’m well behaved and very good academically so no one’s rocking the boat. Because my Mum has two young children and young children don’t do timetables, sometimes my Mum is late collecting me. Not much, 10 minutes or so but I’m sat in the classroom with my buck teeth and my poetry stopping Mrs D from getting on home. And this winds her up. She hasn’t a chance of getting promoted, maybe. Her home life is a disaster, possibly. And subconsciously she sees a chance of getting her own back on me for all the times I’ve made her stay in school a few more minutes than she needs to be there.

So, it’s Nativity time. And this is the first of Life’s Beauty Contests. Some kids get to be born more Aesthetically Pleasing than others. That’s a given. What shouldn’t be a given is that the best looking kids should automatically get to be Mary and Joseph but it always happens. I didn’t want to be Joseph. I didn’t want to be anything. But I’d have settled for a shepherd, maybe an innkeeper. But no, Mrs D, looked at me and clearly went

“That sticking out teeth muthafucker is going to be the comic relief. I’m gonna make him a donkey.”

And so it is that I am pushed onto the stage in a brown body stocking, huge ears and tights in front of a few dozen mums and dads. Who laugh. And I mean really fucking laugh. There is pointing. It lasts forever. The laughter, that is. Somehow I don’t cry but I want to.

Back in 2018 I am crying. I tell Bob the whole story.

“That bitch knew what she was doing,” she says.

Bob used to be a teacher.

“Do you think that’s why you love to make people laugh, Paul? When did you first start telling jokes, doing impressions, etc.? I bet it wasn’t long after that.” It wasn’t very long at all. No.

I’d never made the connection. That laughter wasn’t nice. It was the laughter of parents relieved that isn’t their child. This was the 1970s. People were fucking awful. They’ve always been dickheads but this was a bad time. Punk had to happen. I was not yet a punk but I was an outsider. That moment sealed it.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


So, I’ve taken a plunge. A mild one, of course. Hardly the stuff of an Acapulco cliff dive or even a New Year’s Day dip at Eastbourne, but a plunge nonetheless.

Emboldened by the example of the brilliant Bobbie (@cherryaimless), I decided to venture into the previously taboo-to-me arena of self-publishing.

Indie films and indie music have always had a cool cachet, but writing and publishing your own book traditionally brings a sneer to the lips, mine included. Bobbie, a Bridport Prize-winning author amongst other things, just decided to forego all the usual channels and take control. Starting her own imprint Typewriter Press, her debut novella Hollie’s Dream of Consciousness reclaims the teenage working class girl voice from the Vicky Pollard screech and thumps it vibrantly and AUTHENTICALLY into the here and now.

The book’s done well and deservedly so. It’s not troubled the charts, it couldn’t. But it’s sold out its small run and another run after that. So, Bobbie says to me, halfway through our fishcake and chips, why don’t you give it a go?

The reasons I didn’t want to.

1 – FEAR. I used to do stand up. I wasn’t terribly accomplished at it but I did it. And I enjoyed doing it. But the only reason I could do it at all was A HUGE DRUNKEN SHIELD. Being arseholed on stage gave me the confidence of another persona. I couldn’t be held accountable. It didn’t matter. You can’t do that with a book though. It’s there, forever. And, whilst this has been the only ambition I’ve ever come close to realising, it still terrifies me. What if people think its shit? Jesus, I’ve spent all this time doing this and it’s shit. That’s what’s kept me from sleeping. Fear. But Fear becomes something bigger, a lie.

2 – VANITY. I did a creative writing degree and I did well. I just thought I’ll write a novel now and I’ll get published and that’s it. I honestly thought I could just sit down and smash one out (Steady – ed) and that would be me, another impoverished scrivener on the shelf at Big Book. It didn’t happen and I watched as friends and peers not only wrote books but got them published. People mentioned just going it alone. I couldn’t bear the thought of it. It reeked of defeat. Vanity publishing, I spat through my beer-flecked lips, is for talentless losers. And I wanted no part of it. But Typewriter Press feels different, an exercise in giving people control of their work, of how it’s released and how it pays for itself.

3 – A LIST OF EXCUSES DRESSED UP AS A MIDLIFE RUT. Too old, too silly, not good enough, too poor, too tired, kids, depressed, pandemic. Etc.

So many writers out there, so many good writers god damn it, it’s hard to get spotted. I’ve had the occasional bit of notice but nothing to make enough people go HEY WHO’S THIS GUY etc. I like short stories so I write them. Short stories don’t sell. And there are loads of short story competitions you can enter but who can afford that? If I entered all the ones I wanted to, I’d be 3 years behind on my rent. So it prices a lot of people out.

Anyway, I’ve talked myself into it. Bobbie’s the real brave one, she did it first. And she’s allowed me to share her imprint with my own book. You can order it by emailing or DMing me at @fourfoot on Twitter.

I’ve overcome my fear by hiding behind my real name. I’ve called myself JENKINS for three reasons.

1 – There’s already at least two authors with my full name.

2 – I wanted to reclaim the surname from its traditional place of being a name of a minor character (usually some minor jobsworth clerk) in a sitcom episode or a butler. Why should Morrissey have this forename-free world to himself, the burger-dodging racist twat.

3 – I thought it would be funny to be honest. (“THIS SENSE OF HUMOUR OF MINE, IT ISNT FUNNY AT ALL “– Kate Bush)

So, to summarise. I’ve written a book. If you've ordered a copy then THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PLACING YOUR TRUST IN ME AND THIS BOOK. I can't wait for people to tell me they liked it. Because anything other than that response would make me cry.

 I just wanted to see what it felt like to say I’d written one. I hope people like it. Oh God. Oh fucking God. [PULLS EDWARD WOODWARD SEEING WICKER MAN FACE]

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Not My Child

My daughter was born nearly eighteen years ago in a warm hospital in south Wales. She was a few days late, had inconvenienced a few people by moving into the breach position, only to somersault the day before a Caesarean was scheduled and, thanks to the gargantuan efforts of her mother, crashed into the world one November evening. She was wrapped in a blanket and placed in a little cot on the maternity ward next to her shattered mother.

It was a moment of pure joy, tinged with relief and exhaustion and all the emotion that accompanies a new life. She was someone we had longed for and tried for. In the midst of the delight, we were all moved to a ward of new mothers.

There were maybe a dozen beds in the room, a dozen conversations and a dozen doting dads and beaming mums. The efficient glide of midwives between them all. The bed opposite ours was empty. And then it wasn’t.

A child of maybe no more than twelve or thirteen years of age was being wheeled in by a midwife. Her own baby was placed in a cot. At that moment, I was trying to concentrate on being in the moment with my own precious family but couldn’t look away. The child had an expression of deep shock, of having gone through an unimaginable horror and not yet having the vocabulary or the energy or the context to articulate it. She was a child with a child. She did not look at the baby. She sat and stared into some fixed point ahead of her, some lost moment behind.

I have never seen such a broken person. 

I think I indicated to my wife, unintentionally I hope, the girl sat in the opposite bed. Either way it distracted us for a few moments from our own fresh arrival. As if sensing our presence in this moment, a midwife came and offered my wife a cup of tea. Another nurse hovered into view and then drew a curtain around the bed opposite. 

From within the thin curtain there came the unmistakable sound of someone having their heart broken. I felt a terrible sense of powerlessness. A man and a woman, both dressed like salesmen, came into the room. They had briefcases and mackintoshes. A nurse ushered them into the heartbreak. There was crying, lots of crying. I noticed a policewoman at the door.

When I talk to my daughter about the night she was born, I leave all this out. I talk about the first time I held her, the way I pointed outside roughly in the direction of our house. Outside the night was wet, was dark. There were distant lights. There were distant lights.

I tell her about the tiny row I had with her mother when I accidentally named our daughter whilst her mum was in the shower. I tell her about the long walk home I enjoyed in the rain and the large scotch my next door neighbour poured me when he saw me at my front door. 

I tell her how much she was loved from the very start and how she will always be loved, no matter what.

I leave out the bit about the little girl and the even smaller child this life had seen fit to give her. I leave it out not because it’s not part of her story, but because I hated myself for being glad when the midwife separated her from the joy in the room. I did not want to be reminded of the horrors of the world so soon after the birth of my precious daughter.

Most of all I did not want to be reminded that sometimes a man cannot do a thing, not a single thing to help, even if it was a small terrified child barely an arm’s length away. 

I do not want my daughter to know I could not help and did not try.

When I came to see my wife and child the next morning, the bed opposite them was empty. The child and the other child had been moved in the night to whatever future the girl had stared into the night before. 

I presume they were both taken into care and eventually from each other. I try not to think of her, but sometimes I get the bus home that way, over the hill and past the old hospital. 

Through tears I cannot show, I remember her pale wet face and beg for their forgiveness.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Just more ranting - ignore

The government deliberately mismanaged the handling of the coronavirus to create a crisis ripe for exploitation. Having asset-stripped and privatised much of the NHS already, the government (guided by the Home Counties Rasputin, Dominic Cummings) dished out multi-million pound contracts to friends and families to make the PPE necessary to help halt the spread of the disease. Friends and families who had neither the experience nor expertise in manufacturing such equipment. The government refused help in sourcing PPE from around the world.

Despite the advantages of watching the disease come slowly towards them, they failed to do what was blindly obvious to the rest of the world. Shut the borders. Go for lockdown. Two weeks and the virus would be gone. Terrified of the cost to the economy, the Government dithered fatally. Not for them, of course. For 65,000 people.

Hurrying elderly people out of hospitals into care homes, where the disease spread like wildfire, hastened the deaths of many thousands of elderly people. The lockdown wasn’t a lockdown, just a set of vague instructions that continually changed. Dominic Cummings broke the rules his puppet government had announced and then apologised to the nation by lying to them.

The daily press conferences that were supposed to give the country a sense of how the fight against the disease was going were abandoned because the Prime Minister was bored. People were told to work from home, then labelled as lazy for doing so. The virus disproportionately affected overweight people – the government funded a half price eating scheme for pubs and restaurants. The biggest chain of which, JD Wetherspoon, is owned by a man who sacked all his staff once lockdown began and claimed expenses from the government for doing so. The same man who was the biggest cheerleader for the most calamitous decision a government has made in the last hundred years.

As the world economy contracted, the decision to go ahead with Brexit was never once under threat. Despite all economic forecasts indicating that this would further impoverish an already stricken nation, we are told that Brexit must happen. Her Majesty’s Opposition do nothing, the protest is minimal and dignified, playing the ball and not the man. Realising now that The Racist Vote is the only vote in town, they sit content to watch the suffering of their traditional voter base. An avoidable massacre, blatant corruption and cronyism, these make no differences to the opinion polls. Boris is the perfect symbol for the national decline, an inexplicably popular slice of fuck all. A rambling, incoherent mess of incompetence and privilege.

BBC News is now a propaganda arm for the government. It offers no challenge to the government’s dishonest narrative. Meanwhile the R rate (the rate of infection) is climbing again. It doesn’t register with the public, content as they are to fill the beaches and top up their tans. In the distance, if you squint, perhaps you’ll catch sight of a camera crew on a boat in the English Channel watching as feet away, desperate people try to stop their makeshift boat from capsizing. The language is of invasion, of viruses. Handfuls of people fleeing countries that we have either bombed, invaded or paid for the bombing and invasion of. The human instinct is to pity them, to want to give comfort, shelter, help to. But forty years of Thatcherism has blunted those instincts. We only hate people now. We only care about our house price, our cars and holidays. And when people speak out, they are silenced. Called traitors, scum, idiots.

For the umpteenth summer in a row, the record temperature in this country has been broken. Temperatures in the Arctic soar and the ice caps shrink. The waters rise. Disaster beckons. Perhaps even extinction. There will be nothing we can do, only look back and rue the opportunities squandered. The coronavirus will be remembered as a footnote and finally forgotten. The human virus will not be remembered at all.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Muppets and Grunge

“I miss the comfort in being sad”

Nirvana, Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle.

I was watching The Muppet Movie the other day and I realised how much of an influence the Muppets had on much of great 1990s American art. Kurt Cobain was Animal. Animal was grunge. The Muppets is one of the few things in what is ostensibly children’s television to not shy away from sadness and the causes of it. Remember when Mr. Hooper died on Sesame Street. Big Bird asking where he’s gone. And the human adults taking the time to sit him down and talk about death with him and how it was okay to be sad. That blew the world’s minds.

I don’t remember where I was or when it was that I learned about death. I do remember my sister finding out about it. We shared a bedroom then, a big one. She was five, I was seven. Our grandmother had died. Anyway there’d been lots of crying and sadness and then we got taken to bed and my sister asks my mum “Does this mean you’re going to die one day?”

Anyway it was awful because what do you do in this situation. You can’t lie but you can’t upset your kids any further because fucking hell you’ve got to go and deal with your own personal reaction to this and the housework and other shit. Any pause here is disastrous. A pause to a child is confirmation of the truth.

So, there was a pause and my sister starts losing it. Then she realises that she too will die one day and my sister, just five, is having a massive existential crisis. Death is inevitable. He’s coming for us all and one day you won’t wake up from your sleep.

So Mr Hooper dying wasn’t our introduction to death but it will have been for millions of American kids. They showed it on Thanksgiving Day 1983. Kurt Cobain is what, 16. So he’s too old for Sesame Street most likely but I guess he’ll have seen it, it was a massive cultural moment. For a generation of kids that's their introduction to the end of it all. No wonder emo happened. Emo was Grunge plus Elmo.

The Muppets didn’t airbrush death, they just explained it away as part of the natural order of things. Gonzo the undefinable flightless bird came from a fine tradition of glass half empty children’s characters such as Eeyore and Droopy. His perennial sadness wasn’t there to make the other characters seem even happier, it was the other way round. Kermit’s unflappable goodness, Fozzie’s indefatigable efforts to entertain – they put Gonzo’s inner torment into perspective. In the Muppet Movie, a film made memorable by one of the very best soundtracks of all time, Gonzo sings a campfire country lament called “I’mGoing to Go Back There Someday.” The Muppets car has broken down and their journey to Hollywood with it. Rather than have an optimistic, never mind anthem sung by Fozzie or Miss Piggy, it’s Gonzo’s turn in the spotlight.

This song devastated me as a kid. I was that kind of kid mind. It still floors me now. It’s like Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkel.

“Sun rises, night falls. Sometimes the sky calls.
Is that a song there and do I belong there?
I’ve never been there. But I know the way.
I’m going to go back there someday.”

Gonzo is singing about dreams, about flying, about the elusive nature of meaning. But, to me, he’s also singing about the pointlessness of it all, that death is coming anyway and we might as well accept it. It’s not a million miles away from “I miss the comfort in being sad.”

Anyway, I was going to talk about the influence of the soundtrack on artists such as Grandaddy (listen to He’s Simple, He’s Dumb, He’s the Pilot and then listen to the start of Muppets Rainbow Connection) and Mercury Rev whose albums from Deserter’s Songs onwards show the same affection for the big American music as the Muppet Movie. I was going to talk about that and the influence of Fozzie Bear on Stephen Tombolowsky’s unforgettable Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day (now there’s a movie that I’d love to see a Muppet retelling of). I was going to do quite a lot of things but Death is calling and I haven't put the bins out.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

366 Day Challenge - A New Hope


I just thought I'd say that I am no longer the captain of the good ship 365(6) Day Challenge. I've really enjoyed doing it but lately it's become too much work for me to do alone and I feel more worn out by doing it than inspired. Rather than let it fall away into ruin like an abandoned funfair or my own body, I felt it best to look for a new, younger, fitter skipper at the helm, and quietly walk away with my carriage clock for loyal service. That cavalcade of mixed metaphors thankfully over, I'd like to give my sincere thanks to everyone who has ever responded to a challenge. It wouldn't have worked without you all. I've been genuinely amazed at how popular it's been which it's why it's best for me to sneak off now before neglecting it etc. I'm talking about the challenge now, not my body.

Show some love and appreciation to Duncan McVey, the new skipper. He's already got off to a flyer and I'm happy that it's going to continue.

I won't single out anyone for thanks, you've all been wonderful. I'll be back on Twitter soon, poisoning the air with libellous descriptions of world leaders and drunken tirades against Muse.


PS - RESOURCE CORNER - If you've ever wanted to know if we've asked a question before - the links to everything up to May 22 2020 are here.

2020 So Far - the 366 Day Challenge Questions

Links to 2019 questions here.

Jan 1: GUEST QUESTION from @CountryChic1976 - Do you have any unfulfilled ambitions and do you have plans to realise them in 2020? 
Jan 2: GUEST QUESTION from @markcurtains -What's the weirdest cover version on an album you own?
Jan 3: GUEST QUESTION from @joannethejenius -What's the strangest thing you've queued for?
Jan 4: What forgotten and obscure catchphrase do you still say? 
Jan 5: GUEST QUESTION from @AWrightStuff -Which Twitter bio do you find hilarious or clever or fantastic?
Jan 6: GUEST QUESTION from @den_jw -What’s the best insult you've ever heard?
Jan 7: If you could live in any fictional universe (already committed to screen or print) which one would you choose? 
Jan 8: What’s the most "How did they do that" thing you've ever seen? 
Jan 9: GUEST QUESTION from @treharrisboy - What's your favourite outro in music? 
Jan 10: GUEST QUESTION from @morefromchris -What’s the big gossip from your first week back at work? 
Jan 11: GUEST QUESTION from @dmartw -Which song is the one guaranteed to get you on the dancefloor?
Jan 12: GUEST QUESTION from @Rover9495 -What quote sticks in your head, not necessarily your favourite or most profound, but the thing off a TV film or song that always pops up?
Jan 13: "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" - HOWARD BEALE, Network. Given your own sudden live slot on the news channels, what 12 words would you say to the world? 
Jan 14: GUEST QUESTION from @YPLAC -What phrase or euphemism that you've learnt in the last six months do you use the most?
Jan 15: Have you ever assisted someone in their aim of securing a romantic partner a la Steve Martin in Roxanne?

BONUS GUEST QUESTION from @diaryof annepank -If you could buy a candle that smelt of someone's penis, who would you choose?
Jan 16: GUEST QUESTION from @CountryChic1976 - For what achievement do you still seek recognition/adulation/awe? 
Jan 17: GUEST QUESTION from @LapsedCat -Please give a brief review of the last film you watched in the style of your mum or dad. 
Jan 18: GUEST QUESTION from @DeanoB24 - What is the most overrated or underrated? 
Jan 19: GUEST QUESTION from @StaggerLeeF -What fact, that you've vigorously argued for all your life, later proved to be absolute nonsense?
Jan 20: GUEST QUESTION from @CassInTheAttic - Have you ever held onto a grudge, which you know to be petty and ridiculous, but you can't let go?
Jan 21: GUEST QUESTION from @MariaDonovanWri -What puns make you smile?
Jan 22: GUEST QUESTION from @drunkenbutcher -What remake/reboot do you prefer to the original? 
Jan 23: GUEST QUESTION from @k8andrews - What's the pettiest rage-induced thing you've done?
Jan 24: What is your "happy place"? 
Jan 25: GUEST QUESTION from @llanerch -Have you ever been a "have-a-go" hero? 
Jan 26: GUEST QUESTION from @den_jw -What’s the stupidest thing you've ever done that still fills you with pride?
Jan 27: GUEST QUESTION from @ChrisSamsDad - If you could live your life over again, but remembering only one piece of wisdom you've learnt this life, what wisdom would you choose?
Jan 28: When was the last time you cried in public? 
Jan 29: GUEST QUESTION from @MoroneyAl - Who is your favourite ancillary characted from a sitcom?
Jan 30: GUEST QUESTION from @DaveThePitt- What is the last song that got stuck in your head and will probably get stuck in everybody else's?
Jan 31: GUEST QUESTION from @sonofmars - Explain the reasoning behind Brexit to a European.
Feb 1: GUEST QUESTION from @scareyjoe - With the possible Brexit food supply problems, what emergency food might you be forced to survive on
Feb 2: What town have you sworn never to return to and why?
Feb 3: GUEST QUESTION from @lloydbinding - What does your city/town smell like?
Feb 4: GUEST QUESTION from @Travers2002 - Name your eight Desert Island Discs, book and luxury item?
Feb 5: GUEST QUESTION from @felicefan - What's the most cringeworthy word?
Feb 6: GUEST QUESTION from @kloob - Give us your wisest, wittiest quote that sums up life today and which will be uttered for centuries to come.
Feb 7: GUEST QUESTION from @robertdee - If you were a choo-choo train driver and could drive a train between any two destinations, what would they be, what would you name the journey and who would you have as a ticket inspector?
Feb 8: GUEST QUESTION from @boosh71 - If you had one day to yourself, what would you do?
Feb 9: GUEST QUESTION from @felicefan - Name a song that would be vastly improved by the changing of one member of personnel
Feb 10: GUEST QUESTION from @ChrisDuzTweets -  Whose looks don't match their character?
Feb 11: Which siblings that you know are the least alike - in terms of physicality or personality?
Feb 12: GUEST QUESTION from @matronboy-  Which minor pleasure never gets old?
Feb 13: GUEST QUESTION from @StuartLaidler - As in the film Indecent Proposal, what job/task/thing would you never, not ever, do, not even for a billion quid deposited questions-free into your bank account?
Feb 14: GUEST QUESTION from @Rover9495 - What credits for a TV show do you love?
Feb 15: GUEST QUESTION from @IanNorris87 - What makes a great Ploughmans and where serves the best?
Feb 16: GUEST PICTURE ROUND from @Sergio-Georgini (photo is of a bouquet in a pub urinal) - what does this represent?
Feb 17: GUEST QUESTION from @ChrisSamsDad - What would be a 100% deal breaker in a potential new relationship?
Feb 18: GUEST QUESTION from @lloydbinding- Name your eight nightmare Desert Island Discs, book and luxury item?
Feb 19: GUEST QUESTION from @cherryaimless - The crew of the ISS are to get access to BBC iPlayer. If you were up there, what would you watch?
Feb 20: GUEST QUESTION from @drunkenbutcher -What fact/truth do you know intellectually but your heart still doesn't believe?
Feb 21: What have you done in your life that you feel necessitates a film-style montage sequence, and what music should soundtrack that?
Feb 22: GUEST HOST - @BigPaulWales - five part question

If you won a Golden Ticket at a Pie Emporium, what would you request for the following

a) The filling of the pie
b) The shape and size
c) The side dishes
d) The beverage
e) The background music

Feb 23: GUEST QUESTION from @Rover9495What's the worst business name you've seen?
Feb 24: ANONYMOUS GUEST QUESTION - What rude alternative lyrics do you sing to famous songs?
Feb 25: GUEST QUESTION from @drunkenbutcher - If you could shout to the rest of the world, what would you tell them to stop being so selfish?
Feb 26: GUEST QUESTION from @lloydbinding- What did you catch yourself doing tat makes you cringe?
Feb 27: GUEST QUESTION from @PRICEYBAY- What's your go to film/TV series and comfort food when you're ill?
Feb 28: GUEST QUESTION from @Junkyard_Fool - What politician that's sort of under the radar/doesn't enter most people's consciousness have you despised the most?
Feb 29: GUEST QUESTION from @drunkenbutcher - What did you initially reject on principle or without trying ?
Mar 1: GUEST QUESTION from @TheStevenThomas - If you had the power to create new patron saints for the modern day, who would they be and who or what would they oversee?
Mar 2: GUEST QUESTION from @browniemaker69 - What's the most brutal break up you've been through?
Mar 3: GUEST QUESTION from @nutupdate - What's the most inappropriate song you occasionally find yourself singing?
Mar 4: GUEST QUESTION from @YPLAC - What names did you have for things when you were younger that were way better than their actual names?
Mar 5: GUEST QUESTION from @cherryaimless - If you could revive a game show/quiz show, which one would you bring back, who would present and who would be the regular team captains?
Mar 6: In the spirit of Denmark at Euro 92, What unlikely location have you been happily summoned from?
Mar 7: GUEST QUESTION from @Marshallmedia - What song will you and your mates be singing when you're 75 and on the bus home from an all dayer?
Mar 8: GUEST QUESTION from @CassInTheAttic - What's the strangest event/place/appointment you've ever decided to attend on your own?
Mar 9: GUEST QUESTION from @lloydbinding- Which act would you only buy a Greatest Hits of, and not a proper album?
Mar 10: GUEST QUESTION from @TheStevenThomas - What's the one commodity nobody's yet realised we ought to be stockpiling?

BONUS GUEST QUESTION from @MickMuldoon - show us your CLEAN device wallpaper.
Mar 11: GUEST QUESTION from @MichaelGVine -  Without telling us a date or age tell us how old you are.
Mar 12: GUEST QUESTION from @felicefan - What are you REALLY good at, that if it were something worthwhile, would make you rich and famous?
Mar 13: GUEST QUESTION from @FifeDawg84 - If the Coronavirus was human, which human would it be?
Mar 14: If you were a TV show, what kind of TV show would you be?
Mar 15: GUEST QUESTION from @lloydbinding- Which song do you shamefully know all the lyrics to?
Mar 16: GUEST QUESTION from @mogwynfeather - Without naming names, who is your greatest nemesis and why?
Mar 17: GUEST QUESTION from @TheStevenThomas - What's the one tweet you've written that should be on your gravestone?
Mar 18: Did you ever keep a diary?
Mar 19: GUEST QUESTION from @stymistress - What's the best/worst fib you've ever told?
Mar 20: GUEST PICTURE QUESTION from @mogwynfeather - Share a photo of a time you were proud.
Mar 21: GUEST QUESTION from @drunkenbutcher -What do you have in your cupboards and can people help out with recipes?
Mar 22: GUEST QUESTION from @safeasfuck -a) What was the last gig pre-lockdown you attended and b) Which gig do you most hope will still go ahead?
Mar 23: GUEST QUESTION from @lloydbinding- What are the top 5 things you are going to do post-lockdown?
Mar 24: GUEST QUESTION from @SiHudPod- Which great song has an ever better video?
Mar 25: GUEST QUESTION from @Denchthefirst - What would be your pitch to Dragon's Den in these troubled times?
Mar 26: GUEST QUESTION from @dmartw -What is your food heaven and food hell?
Mar 27: Have you ever sabotaged something?
Mar 28: GUEST QUESTION from @drunkenbutcher -What nonsense superstitions do you have?
Mar 29: GUEST QUESTION from @Sue_Pook -What is your current favourite lyrical couplet?
Mar 30: GUEST QUESTION from @drivenbybordom -What would your crap coat of arms be?
Mar 31: GUEST QUESTION from @Rover9495If you could do over one non-relationship thing in your life, what would it be?

Apr 1: GUEST QUESTION from @nutupdate - If you could bring someone back from the dead for just one day, who would you choose. Also, if you could bring someone back from the dead just to give them a slap, who would you choose?
Apr 2: GUEST QUESTION from @mogwynfeather - If you could go to any fictional place, where would you go?Apr 3: GUEST QUESTION from non-Twitter person Roberta Smoke - What's the most British thing you've ever said?
Apr 4: GUEST QUESTION from @zellishrows - If you ran a Theme Pun, what would it be called and what would the theme be?Apr 5: GUEST QUESTION from @robertdee - Which supporting character from a TV show would you like to have their own show?
Apr 6: GUEST QUESTION from @Rover9495Which fictional character would be your choice for a PM?
Apr 7: GUEST QUESTION from @cherryaimless - What was your last Big Night Out or day trip before lockdown?
Apr 8: ANONYMOUS GUEST QUESTION - Who would be in your celebrity threesome with you?
Apr 9: GUEST QUESTION from @kloob - Invading aliens have asked you to challenge them to a game. Lose and they will destroy everything. Win and they'll leave. What sport or game do you choose that you think you'd win and what's your special cheat move to ensure the survival of the planet?
Apr 10: GUEST QUESTION from @YPLAC - What song have you introduced to someone cool and muso-y that has genuinely impressed them?
Apr 11: GUEST QUESTION from @_davebrown_ - What is your favourite fictional character's name?
Apr 12: GUEST QUESTION from @PeteDavies2006 - If you had to wait 27 years for something, knowing that it would make you just really, really happy when it came, what would it be?Apr 13: GUEST QUESTION from @felicefan - Is there a moment in a film/TV show that, no matter how many times you've seen it, still makes you nervous and tense in case it goes wrong?
Apr 14: GUEST QUESTION from @kloob - the following fights are taking place, the losers will be destroyed forever, the winners are never going away - who do you want to win? Continental vs Full English, Film vs Theatre, Pizza vs Cake, Piers Morgan vs Frequent Flatulence, Capt. America vs Batman, Sex vs a good book, Higher Wages vs More Holidays, Drugs vs Rock N Roll
Apr 15: GUEST QUESTION from @robertdee - It's 1988. You have to give Pablo Escobar a prostate exam. How do you escape, knowing you can't be allowed to live.
Apr 16: GUEST QUESTION from @drunkenbutcher -What piece of misinformation were you told as a child whch spoiled things when you found out the truth?
Apr 17: GUEST QUESTION from @kloob - What's the most disgusting thing you've come across that people seem fine with?
Apr 18: GUEST QUESTION from @Phulax_Wolfgang - What films, books, authors etc have you discovered through Twitter?
Apr 19: GUEST QUESTION from @TonmeisterJones- What long forgotten bit of telly or film gave you the most joy when you found it on YouTube?
Apr 20: GUEST QUESTION from @brennig - Are you avoiding (not blocking or muting, just avoiding) following someone on Twitter who you know personally?
Apr 21: GUEST QUESTION from @markcurtains -What will you miss most about lockdown?Apr 22: GUEST QUESTION from @MrChrisRoyston -What opinion do you hold that you suspect that you're wrong about and everyone else is right?Apr 23: GUEST QUESTION from @fluffybagelmix -If you had to isolate for weeks or months at any other point in your life when would they choose?
Apr 24: GUEST QUESTION from @safeasfuck -What won't you miss about lockdown?Apr 25: ANONYMOUS GUEST QUESTION - What is the nearest you've come to death due to a faulty or poorly designed consumer product?
Apr 26: GUEST QUESTION from @sipperana -What esoteric names do you have for different types of music?
Apr 27: GUEST QUESTION from @DeanoB24 - What is the favourite piece of memorabilia you own?
Apr 28: GUEST QUESTION from @MariaDonovanWri - What life tips did you inherit and what tips will you pass on?
Apr 29: GUEST QUESTION from @joannethejenius - Since Lockdown, have you become addicted to eating or drinking a particular thing?Apr 30: GUEST QUESTION from @WhyAyeMrs -What song have you adapted for a mundane chore e.g. Putting Out the Bins for Putting on the Ritz?

May 1: GUEST QUESTION from @KirstyKomodo -What ridiculously expensive thing do you own that might see you up against the wall, come the revolution?
May 2: GUEST QUESTION from @Shadow_Chaser -What thing did you own in childhood that you miss most?
May 3: GUEST QUESTION from @zellishrows-What is your one luxury coveted item but is financially out of reach?
May 4: GUEST QUESTION from @danielson264 - What phrases need to "get in the sea"?
May 5: GUEST QUESTION from @robertdee - You've been commissioned by the government to create an artwork to commemorate the Corona Virus but you've forgotten and the unveiling is today. Using only what is around you right now, make something. What is it called? EXTRA POINTS FOR ACTUAL PHOTOS!
May 6: GUEST QUESTION from @YPLAC - Have you ever worked with a complete shithead who, if you had to admit it, taught you to do something extremely well?
May 7: GUEST QUESTION from @johnfidler - Which movie would you most like to do a Carry On remake of, complete with original gang?
May 8: GUEST QUESTION from @bensutherland - If you could find the answer to any unsolved mystery which one would you pick?
May 9: GUEST QUESTION from @Rover9495Who is the best at their "thing" whilst looking effortless?
May 10: GUEST QUESTION from @simon3862What do you do for a job and what would be your dream job?
May 11: GUEST QUESTION from @NickDentsBrain - Inspired by the Repair Shop my wife and I spent two days trying to work out what the oldest item we still owned was - that we had purchased AFTER we had got together 25 years ago. It turned out to be a set of pans. I wondered if your followers were a little more romantic than that….
May 12: GUEST QUESTION from @MoiraWaltonWhat piece of work gossip from your past could have made a good film plot?
May 13: GUEST QUESTION from @candycane_girl What would your "The Chase" nickname be?
May 14: GUEST QUESTION from @kloob - What is your favourite stock/cliché movie character?
May 15: GUEST QUESTION from @Phulax_Wolfgang - What is the most hipster moment/best demonstration of niche knowledge you've had?
May 16: GUEST QUESTION from @MarkFaulkner24. Does anyone have or is friends with someone who shares a famous name?
May 17: GUEST QUESTION from @dmartw - everyone has an inner pedant, what really winds you up pedantically speaking?
May 18: GUEST QUESTION fr0m @Owenradford - what silly pet names do you have for partners/kids?
May 19: GUEST QUESTION from @valleyguitarist - what music do you want soundtracking your final moments?
May 20: GUEST QUESTION from @lloydbinding - if you had a celebrity best mate, who would it be and why?
May 21: GUEST QUESTION from @YPLAC - What everyday feeling does your patented middle-age party drug replicate?
May 22: ANONYMOUS GUEST QUESTION - What are your Lockdown confessions?
May 23: GUEST QUESTION from @sgt_rendall - Which character from one TV show could plausibly show up in another and what might happen?
May 24: GUEST QUESTION from @Phulax_Wolfgang - Based on their tweets, who would you put money on to do well on a quiz show and on what topic?
May 25: GUEST QUESTION from @sonofmars - Just what has Dominic Cummings got on Boris?
May 26: GUEST QUESTION from @DaveThePitt- What wild excuses have you used when you've been caught bang to rights, doing something you shouldn't have been.