Part Time Dad
It’s the
Saturday before Christmas and I’m on a packed Tube train headed for Oxford
Circus. I hate Christmas. I hate the Tube. Shopping and people – I hate them
too. I am devoid of the Christmas spirit but I have promised all year to take
my son, Josh, who is nine, to Hamleys. We probably won’t buy anything there
because it’ll be ridiculously overpriced because most of their customers are
tourists who won’t realise there are other toy retailers within half an hour’s
walk. Josh and I are standing – the train is packed and we’re up against a
My son looks like the Milky Bar
Kid. Little thatch of blond hair, spectacles that keep falling down his
slightly freckled nose. So far, so cute.
Add to this the fact that he has somehow managed to cultivate an accent which
combines the cut glass Sarf Lahndn voice of his father and the sing song soft
Welsh lilt of his bitch mother and he has quite a sweet little voice too.
A voice which, sadly for me, he
is about to shatter the traditional silence of the packed Tube train with.
“What does homosexual mean?”
Now, at this point, I ought to
point out that I am wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the legend “GAY DAD” in
big letters. They’re a band I went to see the weekend before. I liked the
T-shirt and I knew that wearing it when I went to pick my son up would upset
his evil cow mother.
I look at the rest of the people
in our carriage who have turned their heads to me as one, like some Christmas
shopping Hydra. They’re all clearly keen on hearing me answer this question
and, having clocked the T-shirt I’m wearing, have agreed between themselves on
the events that have led me to this moment.
I reckon they think that I’m gay
and that my son was the result of a doomed relationship with a woman in which I
lived in denial of my true sexuality until I could stand it no more. Perhaps
they’ve added a boyfriend. A job too. Perhaps I live in Muswell Hill with a set
designer called Piers.
Their eyes haven’t moved. The
Hydra, like my son, wants to know what a homosexual is.
“Daddy? What does homosexual
“Well, it’s a very long word for
a small boy to be using. I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
“Billy called me one.”
“Well, Billy shouldn’t use words
he doesn’t understand. It’s not an insult, ignore Billy, he’s being very childish.”
Even my stupid hateful and ugly
piece of shit of an ex would have to agree that I had displayed something
approaching maturity here. The rest of the carriage, I feel, are about to break
into polite applause at my thoughtful parenting skills. We’re all bonding
together in the warm glow of my magnificent answer. I feel Christmassy. Come on
Hydra, let’s go to the pub and drink some mulled wine and crack open a walnut.
Josh ruins it though. Josh ruins
“It’s OK though Dad. I called
him a cunt.”
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