Monday, 21 March 2016

Fourfoots Top Forties vol 2 - Lay Your Head Down.

Another week, another forty songs for your enjoyment.

The Atlantic glamencholy of Cesaria Evora, the sinister stylings of Ween, the peerless pop magic of the Carpenters. The title of this playlist comes from the lyrics of the cajun tinged Dark Dark Dark whose In Your Dreams is a highlight.

Something for everyone.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Fourfoot's Top Forties

Bored, I decided to devise a series of weekly top 40 playlists based on the shit I like.

Enjoy, share, whatever.

Funkadelic, The Orb, Mark E Smith and Ivor Cutler rub shoulders with Leadbelly, Tom Waits and Nina Simone.